Christmas Club Account

Christmas Club

Christmas Club Account Benefits

Save for a special occasion or the holidays with our Christmas Club account!

  • Interest compounded and credited at maturity
  • Daily balance method to calculate interest
  • No minimum required to open an account.
  • Low risk investment opportunity to make your money grow
  • Can be used for travel expenses
  • Free mobile and online banking

Christmas Club Account Details

  • If a withdrawal is made before payout in October, the account will be closed, and the interest forfeited.
  • We use the daily balance method to calculate the interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day from the first day of the deposit.
  • Maximum balance is $10,000.00.
  • One Christmas Club Account per Tax Identification Number.
  • Christmas Club is unavailable for minor's accounts, including savings, checking, and scholastic add-on CDs.
  • Contact us for our current rates or check out our Interest Rates & Annual Percentage Yields (APY) page.

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