Investments at Waldo State Bank

Providing Personalized Financial Solutions to Sheboygan Residents Since 1913.

Investment Center - Not FDIC Insured


Traditional IRA

A Traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is a tax-favored arrangement created exclusively to save for retirement. Benefits of Traditional IRAs include tax-deductible contributions, tax-deferred earnings, and tax credit when eligible.

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A young family that banks at Waldo State Bank smiles while at their house.
A family that banks at Waldo State Bank spend time together at home.


Roth IRA

Roth IRAs offer tax-deferred, and sometimes tax-free earnings. They also offer tax-free withdrawals of qualified distributions and tax credits when eligible. Individuals must fall within the government-defined eligible income range to be able to enroll in a Roth IRA.

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    Certificates of Deposit

    Certificates of Deposit are a secure form of time deposit where your money stays in the bank for a certain length of time to earn a promised return. On average, a CD account accrues more interest than a regular savings account.

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    A young couple lounges while looking at the Waldo State Bank website.

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