The Giving Tree: Project Angel Hugs
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Vanessa Jensema was a brave six-year-old girl undergoing treatment for leukemia. During her treatment, she wanted to spread joy and hope to other children battling cancer. Her giving heart and strong faith created “Nessa’s Project.” After her passing, her spirit lived on through “Nessa’s Project” and evolved into Project Angel Hugs.
Project Angel Hugs is now a local non-profit organization devoted to ministering to children battling cancer and supporting their families. They provide several programs benefitting the emotional well-being of each child and family member.
Starting Wednesday, October 28 through Friday, November 27, we invite the community to select a gift idea and donate that gift to Project Angel Hugs. At this time, our lobby is not open. Community members can choose a tag with a staff member using our drive-thru. Once you purchased your gift, please bring it back to us. We will deliver all the gifts to Project Angel Hugs at the end of the collection.
Follow this link to choose a gift idea: PAH Toy List