Waldo State Bank Blog

Blueberry Torte

Blueberry Torte

Blueberry Torte


  • 12 Whole Graham Crackers
  • 1/2 c Butter, melted
  • 1/4 c Sugar
  • 1 8-ounce Cream Cheese, well softened
  • 1 c Powder Sugar
  • 1 t Vanilla Extract
  • 2 tubs, 8 ounces each, whipped topping – divided
  • 2 cans, 21 ounces each, blueberry pie filling



  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  • In a food processor, blend crackers until finely ground and save approximately 1/4 c for topping
  • Stir in butter and sugar until well combined
  • Press into bottom of greased 9 x 13 pan
  • Bake 8 minutes and let cool completely

Cream Layer

  • In a large bowl, beat cream cheese, powder sugar, and vanilla until smooth.
  • Using 1 tub of the whipped topping, beat in about 1 c until no lumps. Fold in the remainer of the container
  • Spread over crust

Spread blueberry layer over

Top with remaining container of whipped topping

Garnish with remaining ground graham crackers

Cover and chill for at least 2 hours or overnight.


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